What we offer
An overall 360 degree advertising agency and a leading exhibition stand fabricator The NIhar Exhibition offers a complete brand communication model including services as exhibition stall designing, fabrication, brand management, digital marketing, graphics and print-production.
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Our Services
Lorem Ipsum began as scrambled, nonsensical Latin derived from Cicero’s 1st-century BC text De Finibus






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Frequently Asked Question

How do we choose suppliers?
Will I deal directly with the company that will build me the stand?
es, absolutely. We are not intermediaries, we do not charge commissions to you or suppliers, we like transparency.
Once we know what kind of Stand you need, you will receive the proposals directly from the most competitive suppliers for your need. Negotiate and deal with whoever will build you the Stand.
What if you need help? Of course, you can always count on us.
How do we get the best price on nStands?
We will achieve great savings in logistics and assembly costs knowing when it is your event and in which city, and what we can know in which city each supplier works at all times.
We know at every moment, for each type of stand, for each city, for each fair…, which is the most competitive supplier.
We manage an average of 150 stands in the world. A team of 12 people work daily by selecting stand providers. We have live and updated information.
What commitments do you acquire?
None. All you have to do is value the proposals you receive from suppliers.
How do I get space at a trade show?
To hire space you need to go directly to the fair, on the website you will find all the contact information, if you need help send us an email and we will be happy to help you.
What is the cost of a booth?
The cost of a design booth depends on many factors: the number of square meters, the number of open faces, the extras you want to add…
We recommend that the exhibitors define the game they want to invest in the Stand. Once that is defined, it requests and compares 5 different designers ‘ proposals and chooses based on a previous budget.
How do I get space at a trade show?
To hire space you need to go directly to the fair, on the website you will find all the contact information, if you need help send us an email and we will be happy to help you.